Tawfiq Al Hakim play Song Of Death
Some information about Tawfiq Al Hakim play “Song Of Death” Tawfiq Al-Hakim was born on October 9, 1898.…
Some information about Tawfiq Al Hakim play “Song Of Death” Tawfiq Al-Hakim was born on October 9, 1898.…
Youssef Idris is one of the most important writers and novelists that Egypt and the Arab world gave…
A simple explanation about some Amin Maalouf books. Amin Maalouf is a Lebanese writer and journalist, born in…
Adunis poems. A lot of Adunis poems in this article. Ali Ahmed Saeed Esber is a well-known Syrian…
50 Arabic quotes about love, Here some Arabic love quotes which take about a tender, passionate affection for…
Said Akl books. Lebanese writers are known for being very creative. Their books are an effective way to…
Most Fantastic 122 Egyptian Last Names, Egypt is famous for having one of the oldest civilizations on earth, as humans began to migrate to the banks of the Nile. Egypt coincided with many historical eras and eras: 1- the Persians (circa 343 BC) 2-The advent of Alexander the Great (323 BC), after which the Ptolemaic…
Top120 Lebanese Men Names, This article about Lebanese men names Upon the arrival of the child, the family rejoices for this new family member. Usually, both the father and mother will have chosen a specific name for their child even before his birth. Naming a newborn child is one of his rights that God Almighty…
Most Beautiful 83 Catholic Names, Many Catholic names in this nice article Catholic Christianity is a term that describes all believers and institutions. It includes the doctrines, theology, the Mass, the ethics, and the spiritual values of the Roman Catholic Church. The term Catholicism describes all Christian churches that acknowledge the sovereignty of the Pope.…
Top105 Lebanese last Names With Meanings, We will speak about Lebanese last names: Behind every Lebanese or even Arab family name a story, each has its own history and narration that tells of its origins and roots. Even one family was divided due to social, regional, or economic conditions into three or four families. Some…
The Most Attractive 110 Lebanese First Names, Here, we will speak about some Lebanese first names with their meanings. Names are an integral part of our personality, our being, and the origin of our existence. With the names we live, with them, we interact, and with them, we express, so by our names we dream…
Best 160 Lebanese Female Names, We will talk about the attractive meanings of some Lebanese female and girls’ names. Since the mother announced her pregnancy, everyone has asked her the same question, “What will you name the newborn?” Choosing a child’s name is very difficult and needs special attention because it is a name that…
Most Fantastic 129 Palestine Names, Nice Palestine names in our article. The culture of Palestine has been an integral part of the identity of the Palestinian people throughout history and ages. It must be noted that the emergence of magazines and cultural supplements in Palestine dates back to 1905. The interest in publishing the writings of…
Most Fantastic 146 Kuwaiti Names, We will discuss many Kuwaiti names in this article Fathers in the State of Kuwait are trying to keep up with everything that is updated in the world of names. All that for their boys and girls to choose from among them what they think is most suitable for them.…